
Sorry I've been neglecting you my little blogbaby

I've been rather busy. And might I say productive too. I have finally come up with an idea for my studio practice work. Thank god. Now I have 3 weeks to complete it in. Well techniquely 2 weeks because this next week, I have no money to buy my materials or anything.
I have put up on the notice board at uni, some tags in a pack and asked people to write thier biggest fear on them and post them into an envelope. Which is the first bit of the piece. Then I have a copy of all the fears and phobias known, which I am going to print out and bind together making a book (metal cover and title stamped on with metal stamps)
Then I am going to highlight all the fears and phobias I have been told and the most common ones. I am going to reproduce photographs off and put on my wall.
I have also looks at famous fear quotes and how I am going to lay it out.
I am looking forward to getting some money and being able to actually put this together.
After trying so hard for inspiration, i finally found it - outside the studio in the cold looking up at the barred up windows.


Last night was hectic

I had planned my night down (even using times it will take to do things) but I went to drive to the libary and my stupid car wouldn't start. So I just left it and went to the computer place thats just oposite my house and printed all I needed to print there.
I manged to write myself a rather large list of things to do which contains reading and catching up with slides from a lecture, research for my group presentation and assignment, then basic studio stuff (e.g printing things, completeing things ect ect).
I really wish the studio's were open at weekends :[ I really fancy going in now.
Oh well, I'll crack on with this stuff and then go to the libary for a day of books and energy drink.


Pretty white flower

Princess Cake

We managed to get a huge disney princess cake for 80p in asda the other night :) mmm

Buffalo's Shopping List


The horses lunch break

I was just sat playing around with some images I had saved and this is what I came up with. I love raw collages that have been made from a lot of very different materials and images.
I am going to see if I can print this only a brown paper envelope to put up in my studio space with an address on it and maybe a stamp (if i can afford it) haha.

Ohhh this is new.

My tutors and people off my course are all on about a blog, on blogger. So I've been told to join up and start one myself. So that I can show some of my work and blog what I've been doing. Who knows I might actually enjoy it? or I might even just forget I have even signed up for it.
I've been sat trying to get myself motivated and into some decent work to put up in my bit of the studio. Because I feel like mine is the only white wall with nothing on it anymore. But ever since I started trying to get myself together things have been getting in my way. For example: my ink ran out of my printer, I didn't have any batteries for my camera, I got sick and so on. But now I'm actually going to pull myself together and have something up in my studio by 8 o'clock tonight. (Well I hope so).
Right I'm going to finish up here and get on with some work :)