
Ohhh this is new.

My tutors and people off my course are all on about a blog, on blogger. So I've been told to join up and start one myself. So that I can show some of my work and blog what I've been doing. Who knows I might actually enjoy it? or I might even just forget I have even signed up for it.
I've been sat trying to get myself motivated and into some decent work to put up in my bit of the studio. Because I feel like mine is the only white wall with nothing on it anymore. But ever since I started trying to get myself together things have been getting in my way. For example: my ink ran out of my printer, I didn't have any batteries for my camera, I got sick and so on. But now I'm actually going to pull myself together and have something up in my studio by 8 o'clock tonight. (Well I hope so).
Right I'm going to finish up here and get on with some work :)

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