
Sorry I've been neglecting you my little blogbaby

I've been rather busy. And might I say productive too. I have finally come up with an idea for my studio practice work. Thank god. Now I have 3 weeks to complete it in. Well techniquely 2 weeks because this next week, I have no money to buy my materials or anything.
I have put up on the notice board at uni, some tags in a pack and asked people to write thier biggest fear on them and post them into an envelope. Which is the first bit of the piece. Then I have a copy of all the fears and phobias known, which I am going to print out and bind together making a book (metal cover and title stamped on with metal stamps)
Then I am going to highlight all the fears and phobias I have been told and the most common ones. I am going to reproduce photographs off and put on my wall.
I have also looks at famous fear quotes and how I am going to lay it out.
I am looking forward to getting some money and being able to actually put this together.
After trying so hard for inspiration, i finally found it - outside the studio in the cold looking up at the barred up windows.

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